There are certain times in life that we all tend to reflect on where we currently are in business, health, family, etc. You name it, and you can bet that someone, somewhere is evaluating their current position and performance in a specific area of their life. Well, recently, that time came for us here at Fleurish. More specifically, with this newsletter.
One perspective, is that our satisfaction in life is completely contingent upon the meaning that we give it. And, more often than not, our positive meaning is derived from how close that our reality is in proximity to our expectations. Take a look at the infographic below:

Essentially, however close our bottom hand is to our top hand, the more satisfied we are with life. Our expectation at Fleurish is to change more and more lives. Our reality was that we were constraining our reach by not taking a step back and viewing the performance of the newsletter from a 10,000ft perspective.
In more rhetorical news, the internet is a vast, hollow place filled with useless and irrelevant information. And what we don’t want any part of is adding to the nonsense. So, we thought, if we are going to charge for the newsletter, but not consistently and effectively ask the audience what topics they want to learn about, then what is the point in any of it?

Don’t fret, we were too.
So, what can we do differently? Well, quite honestly, a good bit. But, we feel like a good start is by giving away the newsletter and figuring out better ways of serving the audience that reads it. (Ahem, that’s you.)
If you are going to take the time out of your busy lives to read this thing, then the least we could do is write about the most pressing topics. What matters to audience? Not the media! For example, you won’t find any articles touting the benefits of Garcinia Cambogia, here. We believe in improving performance. Not magic.
So, what say you? What topics would be of interest to you? Which personal roadblocks are you running into with your health that could be the cause of the plateau that you have called home for the past 5 months? Don’t worry, though, we won’t call you out while addressing your issue. You’re amongst friends here at Health Afflicted Anonymous.
“Great! Now, what do I do?” Fantastic question! Email us your questions and topics of preference, so that we can line out the upcoming weeks of content. If you want more research, ask for it. If you want more deep dives and explanations, ask for it. More high level skimming over broad topics? Tell us that!
Let’s close that gap between your hands! Shall we?