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Tyler Lafleur
Why Assessing Cortisol Rhythm Is a Game Changer?

The biggest complaints that we hear from new members is that they "have no..

Tyler Lafleur
Not Quantifying Your Recovery? Here Is Why You Should.

This short video will help illustrate why we have our members (and more..

Tyler Lafleur
New Research on Fasting, Explained...

There was some research on intermittent fasting recently conducted and..

Tyler Lafleur
Have Brain Fog? Avoid These Common Pitfalls Before Emptying Your Bank Account On Supplements.

Brain supplements, or (if you are one of the cool kids) Nootropics, are a..

Tyler Lafleur
What is HPHI? How Do We Improve Your Health?
We get asked a good bit what exactly we do here at HPHI. How are we..
Tyler Lafleur
How Do I Measure My Inflammation?

Continuing our "Your Conventional Insurance-Based Lab Work is Garbage" series,..

Tyler Lafleur
Sickcare: America's Sneakiest Business Model

There comes a point in time that certain popular phrases just become the norm...

Tyler Lafleur
Food Label Lies: Are You Still Believing Them?
When people first aim to start eating healthier, they almost always start..

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